Saturday, January 22, 2011

Last Day!

We are at sea for our last day. It's amazing how your stuff gets bigger while you are on a trip! I know we are taking home dirty clothes, but dirt can't possible make the luggage explode that much! We did it though. The Pacific is beautiful and smooth today so it's an easy ride. Tonight, the wait staff in the dining room will treat us to song and dance as they parade in with baked Alaska. When we get home, we will post a few more photos on this blog site, to help you share our adventure. It's been amazing and one we will never forget. I hope you all get to Antarctia someday. It is like noplace else on earth. thanks for tagging along with us via this blog. It's more fun to share - thank you for letting us share this experience with you! See you soon!


  1. Sure been fun following your trip and thanks for taking time to share! Safe travels back - look forward to catching up on Skype next weekend.

  2. I'm ready to see photos!! I hope you post some here for a preview till I see you in March. Love you!
