Thursday, January 20, 2011

Chilean Fjords

Due to the unrest in southern Chile, our captain decided we would make port in Chacabuco rather than Punta Arenas. We spent just a little time in the Strait of Magellan. Tuesday was spent cruising through the beautiful fjords of Chile. The landscape of thousands of islands etched by glaciers is amazing. We ended the day with a great view of a glacier with a rainbow making up for the misty weather.
Wednesday, we left the protection of the Chilean fjords and travelled up the coast and farther out to sea. The ocean was rocky and we had a slow day on the ship resting, going to lectures and shows, having “tea,” and basically waiting around for the next meal. The sea was rough enough this morning that our breakfast tray fell over – table and all. Doris is not too bothered by the waves, except trying to walk a straight line! Diana, on the other hand, as spent the day trying not to look out of the window and avoid seasickness. So far, so good.
Thursday was a slow day. We decided to stay onboard the ship rather than tackle a local Chilean bus on our own. It was very relaxing and Doris beat Diana at canasta (again). Friday is another port, so we hope for smooth sailing and nice weather.

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